The Palette of Paletta: Colorful Stories Behind Our Upcycled Pieces

October 9, 2023

In a world increasingly aware of the environmental impact of waste, Paletta stands out as a beacon of sustainable innovation. This unique company transforms discarded materials into stunning, eco-friendly pieces of furniture and home accessories. The journey of each item in Paletta's collection is a testament to creativity, craftsmanship, and environmental responsibility. This article delves into the fascinating stories behind these transformations, the history of the materials used, and the artisans who bring them to life.

The Genesis of Paletta

Paletta began as a passion project for Rawda Shawkat, whose vision was to merge sustainability with artistry. What started as a graduation idea quickly blossomed into a thriving business. Initially, Paletta collaborated with talented Egyptian artisans and woodworkers who were experts in upcycling wooden pallets and other discarded materials. Today, the company is expanding its horizons, seeking to collaborate with Canadian carpenters in Saskatoon, further enriching its collection with diverse influences and techniques.

The Story of Transformation

  1. The Humble Pallet: One of the core materials used by Paletta is the wooden pallet. Often discarded after a single use, these pallets find a new lease on life through Paletta's innovative designs. The journey begins with selecting pallets that are sturdy and have unique grain patterns. After thorough cleaning and sanding, these pallets are reimagined into elegant coffee tables, stylish shelving units, and eye-catching wall art.
  2. Example: A wooden pallet discarded at a shipping dock is transformed into a chic, minimalist coffee table. Before and after photos showcase the incredible transformation, highlighting the meticulous craftsmanship involved.
  3. Recycled Plastic Textiles: Another material integral to Paletta's creations is textiles made from recycled plastic bottles. These fabrics are durable, versatile, and eco-friendly. They are used to upholster furniture, create decorative pillows, and more, combining functionality with sustainability.
  4. Example: Plastic bottles collected from recycling centers are processed into soft, durable fabrics. These fabrics are then used to upholster a reclaimed wood armchair, resulting in a stylish and sustainable piece of furniture.
  5. Artisanal Expertise: The artisans behind Paletta's products are the true heroes of this transformation. In Egypt, skilled woodworkers breathe new life into discarded materials with their expert craftsmanship. Now, as Paletta expands to Canada, local carpenters in Saskatoon are invited to join this creative journey. Each artisan brings their unique touch, blending traditional techniques with modern design principles.
  6. Example: An Egyptian artisan takes an old, broken chair and reimagines it into a stunning piece of art. Meanwhile, a Canadian carpenter in Saskatoon transforms a reclaimed barn door into a beautiful dining table, seamlessly merging the old with the new.

The Creative Process

Paletta's creative process is both meticulous and inspiring. It begins with sourcing the right materials—each piece of wood, each fabric, chosen for its potential to be transformed. The design phase involves conceptualizing how these materials can be reconfigured into beautiful, functional items. Throughout the process, sustainability is at the forefront, ensuring that every piece not only looks good but also minimizes environmental impact.

Before and After: A Photo Essay

To truly appreciate the transformation, a photo essay showcases the before and after of Paletta's creations. Images of discarded wooden pallets, plastic bottles, and old furniture pieces are juxtaposed with their stunning reincarnations. These visual stories highlight the remarkable journey from waste to wonder, celebrating the creativity and craftsmanship that define Paletta.

A Call for Collaboration

As Paletta continues to grow, the company seeks new collaborators to join its mission. Canadian carpenters in Saskatoon are invited to bring their skills and creativity to Paletta, contributing to a shared vision of sustainability and beauty. This collaboration promises to blend diverse cultural influences, further enriching Paletta's unique collection.


Paletta's journey from discarded materials to eco-friendly masterpieces is a story of transformation, innovation, and artistry. By turning waste into wonder, Paletta not only creates beautiful, sustainable products but also inspires a movement toward more responsible living. Join Paletta in celebrating the beauty of sustainability, one piece of transformed waste at a time.